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民建聯工商專業委員會及青年民建聯於昨晚(3月30日)成功舉辦工商專業青民新春酒會,超過 200 位各界貴賓齊聚一堂,共同促進交流合作。






DAB Business and Professional Youth Chinese New Year Reception was held successfully 2023.3.30

The Business and Industry Professional Committee of the DAB and the Youth Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong successfully held a Chinese New Year reception last night (30 March), with more than 200 VIPs from all walks of life gathered together to promote exchanges and cooperation.

On that evening, Mr. Huang Weixin, Acting Financial Secretary; Mr. Zhang Guoxin, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice; Mr. Jiang Yirui, Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong; Mr. Li Huiqiong, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong; Mr. Zhou Haoding, Chairman of the Professional Committee of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong; Mr. Chen Heng

DAB Chairman Hon Li Wai-kiong expressed sincere gratitude to all sectors for their support for the work of the DAB. Through the Professional Committee for Industry and Commerce and the Youth Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, the DAB has brought together the business and professional sectors and young people, and In particular, Hong Kong's full return to normalcy and comprehensive customs clearance will help everyone better grasp the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, help Hong Kong enhance its development momentum, and accelerate its integration into the overall situation of

Zhou Haoding, chairman of the Business and Commercial Professional Committee of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), said that the Chinese New Year Reception has been identified for three years due to the epidemic, and it has finally resumed this year The committee will assist local business and professional sectors and foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong to actively explore opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. There will be more frequent exchanges and contacts with the Mainland in the future.

The DAB believes that this reception has brought rich exchanges to friendly relations from all walks of life, brought together the business, professional and youth sectors, and jointly promoted the development of Hong Kong and contributed to the development of the motherland.


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